miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The littler princes

This book is about a aviator and a little prince. The aviator is a man that have problems with the person, so he prefers traveling for to world alone; and the littler prices is the only one, and he like seeing the evening, look to after her three, the baobab, cleaning the crateres; and the problems to pinces is try to understand to flower that born up in her planet.

The story stared when the aviator is lost in Sahara deserted becuase your plane has a serious problems, so he know a boy, the little prince. They stared to talk about the tapeworm life of the princes untill to arrive a rose that only come to give love for boy, the little princes didn’t kwon like answer to flower, so stared a travel for diferent planets. Each planet have a interesting personage, for example, the king, the vain man, the drinker , the boaster man, the geographer. When the princes arribe to earth he kwon to the snake and the fox; and to come bakc to planet the little princes nedd died.

This book impressed me because is incredible the story and the drawing, and when I finished the book can’t stop to think about the rial people and the character to books. And think that don’t exist other story to cause exactly emotion.
I recommend this book because is wonderful, and you won’t regrets :D

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

My green world

Yesterday I discovered that industry can’t polluting a lot… so I think that green project are make because if the company pollute more, the industry should pay many money of fined. I believe is good that the government has intervened in the ecology problem. But is so sad that the people think in the environmentally for scared to fined.

In general the people don’t kwon about environmentally friendly practices maybe some schools are working with recycling project. I remembered that here in the university years ago a “green group” tried to make recycling, but they forgot quickly and the man auxiliary finished to threw the recycling

Really a can’t use the bike or my legs because I live far away of all places that I go, university, cinema, mall, Santiago center, etc. Is really impossible L buy if I could live near to my work probably walk because I like walk, but don’t ride to ride because always I finish in the ground :D

I believe that to people ok Santiago need think in the future in your families because they will be that have the problems. I think that the education should prepare to young generation for living to ecology world, since kids learn their practices friendly environmentally, I hope that the people change their to better.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010


Study links bed time rules to better skills in preschool children

To: Caty Weaver

A new study found that the children’s go to bed around same time every night, they would have better abilities in language, reading and early math skills. The study was to eight thousand pre-school children, the parent answered question by telephone about the bedtime.

The doctor tries that parents have a regular bedtime, and the bedtime is better if the parent follow routines like reading the book or telling stories to their children. The children that have regular bedtime don’t have problems for to sleeping.

Other study discovered that sleeping more get better your condition, for example, the players spent ten hours every night for seven or eight week ran more fast in the competition, and didn't feel to sleep during to day.